RMHUC Officers, 2024-25

The Trustees are the statutory governing body of the Club and are elected for 3-year terms.  The Trustees appoint the Officers of the Club: President, Secretary and Treasurer, who generally also serve on the Steering Committee.


The Steering Committee includes other Club members who serve the Club on a sustained basis. The Steering Committee manages the Club's day-to-day affairs and meets regularly. All positions are volunteer.

The activities of the Club are governed by its bylaws.

The RMHUC is a 501(c)(3) organization, dues are tax-deductible, and our EIN is 74-2280560.


TRUSTEES: RMHUC Trustees 2024-2025

STEERING COMMITTEE: RMHUC Steering Committee 2024-2025

Charlotte Horton, AB '13


Schools Committee Co-Chair,

Trustee (2022-2025)




Fred Ris, AB '68

Membership coordinator, Webmaster, Steering Committee,

Past President (2011-13), Past Trustee (2006-2020)

Schools Committee Past Co-Chair, Past Treasurer 




Paul Chessin, AB '75, JD '79

Secretary, Steering Committee

Trustee (2024-27)


William R. ("Bill") Horton, AB '77

Past President (2020-22),

Steering Committee,

Trustee (2023-2026)


Anna Jones, AB '79

Trustee (2022-2025)

Past President (2005-09)

Past Co-President (2022-2023)


Chris Miller, AB '88

Marketing & Events Committee, Steering Committee

John Griffin, AB '91
Steering Committee, Trustee (2021-24)


Rick Walsh, AB '79    

Marketing & Events Committee

Steering Committee


Sunhee Juhon Hodges, AB '85

Schools Committee Co-Chair

Steering Committee, Trustee (2021-24)



Alicia Alvero Koski, AB '15, JD '20  

Steering Committee

Trustee (2024-27)

Stacey Fiske, SB '13

Schools Committee Co-Chair, Treasurer, Steering Committee

Trustee (2024-27)




Past Trustees and Officers


RMHUC Trustees 2023-2024

RMHUC Trustees 2022-2023

RMHUC Trustees 2021-2022


RMHUC Steering Committee 2023-2024

RMHUC Steering Committee and Trustees 2022-2023

RMHUC Steering Committee 2021-2022