Donate to the RMHUC

Make a financial (or other!) contribution to your Club.

There are several ways to contribute financially to the RMHUC.  All help the Club fulfill its various missions, and all are tax deductible.  The Club's EIN is 74-2280560.


The most common way is to become a member or to extend your membership before it expires.  We offer multiple membership categories at different levels of financial support.  When you join or renew, you will be given the opportunity to contribute to a longstanding Club program:


- The Rocky Mountain Harvard Club Scholarship Endowment Fund receives contributions from RMHUC members for the support of Colorado undergraduates.  Distribution of the income from this fund is made by Harvard's Financial Aid Office

Sponsorship comes in two flavors: sponsorship of the Club generally (mostly appropriate to a business), and sponsorship for a particular event or type of event you would like to support (appropriate to individuals and businesses).  Sponsorship can arise from both cash and in-kind donations.  Feel free to reach out to any member of our Steering Committee if you would like to discuss a possible sponsorship.


Non-financial support can entail a small or a large portion of your time and expertise.  We have a list of ideas that would be useful, but are always receptive to good ideas from our members.


Whatever your choice, you will have our lasting gratitude for your help in accomplishing our mission, and we'll invite you to one of our member appreciation events!