Become a Member

Membership in the RMHUC is open to alumni and associates of all schools of Harvard University, current resident students, and current and former faculty.


Annual dues are:

$200  Patron
$100  Sponsor
$  45  Basic

The RMHUC is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Dues & donations are typically tax-deductible. *

Our EIN is 74-2280560


We especially welcome the participation of current students and recent graduates!  The Club offers complimentary membership to current students, to Harvard College graduates of the classes of 2022, 2023, and 2024, and to 2024 graduates receiving their first Harvard degree from all other schools of the University.  If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please log in to the Club's website using your HarvardKey credentials, update your contact information, and then contact us to let us know of your interest.  We are not able to offer membership to people taking Harvard's on-line courses until they are enrolled in classroom courses in Cambridge.

While the RMHUC has its own leadership and structure, we are guided by Harvard Alumni Association guidelines and often collaborate with the HAA staff to organize events and programs. The RMHUC relies on donations and dues to finance its efforts and receives no direct financial support from Harvard. We are grateful for your support.

If you would rather initiate your membership by mail, simply download this form, print, and send, with your payment by check or credit card, to:

RMHUC, PO Box 2345, Denver, CO 80201-2345.

Please sign in to this site before proceeding!  In order to take out, extend, or reinstate a membership you must be signed in with your HarvardKey.  (If you see "Login" at the left of the navigation bar at the top of this screen, you are not signed in.  Click on that link, and use your HAA credentials.)


HarvardKey authentication information (including help contacts) can be sourced at  Harvard Key  with a help line at  617-495-7777.


* Please consult with your tax advisor for specific advice.

Thank you for your support!

Please select the type you wish to purchase and click the "Continue" button below.
Patron Level
  Description:  Patron members enjoy priority reservations for capacity-limited events and are invited to Club appreciation gatherings
Membership price:  $200.00

Sponsor Level
  Description:  Sponsor level members enjoy priority reservations for capacity-limited events. Multi-year sponsors are invited to the Club's appreciation gatherings.
Membership price:  $100.00

Basic Level
  Description:  The Colorado/Wyoming alumni directory is available only to members. All levels of membership enjoy the benefits of the HAA's Global Pass program at other Harvard Clubs worldwide. Dues for all levels of membership are tax-deductible.
Membership price:  $45.00
Current Members who extend (renew BEFORE expiration) pay:  $35.00