Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs - Denver Chapter
Tattered Cover: Starting a New Chapter
Thursday, April 21, 2022
5:30 PM to 7:00 PM MT
Club CiviCO
250 Fillmore Street, Suite 225 Denver, CO 80206
Tattered Cover is the largest independent bookstore in Colorado with 5 locations in and around Denver. Since its founding in 1971, Tattered Cover has been bringing people and books together for over 50 years.
The panel will cover topics including:
What inspired these Denver natives, and rival high school debaters, to join forces to buy and revitalize this iconic Denver institution.
The challenges they have encountered, their lessons learned, and advice for other entrepreneurs.
How they used their Harvard connections and network in the growth of their businesses.
HAE Members $40
Non-Members $50
RSVP for this event here: RSVP
About Our Panelists
Kwame Spearman MBA '11 is a management, operations, and strategy professional focusing on brick and mortar businesses. Currently, he is Co-Owner and CEO of Tattered Cover. Earlier in his career, he worked as a Management Consultant at Bain & Company in Boston and New York City. Kwame is a graduate of Columbia University (with Honors), Yale University Law School, and Harvard Business School (2011).
David Back JD '12 had his first job as a cashier at Tattered Cover when he was 15 years old in 2000. In December 2020 he purchased Tattered Cover alongside high school friends Kwame Spearman (MBA ’11) and Alan Frosh. Previously, he co-founded the first car rental company in India to offer cars without a chauffeur, with investors that include former Harvard President and former U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers. David has worked at Goldman Sachs, McKinsey & Co., the Kauffman Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute.
In order to attend HAE events, please join as either a: Full Member @ $50/year, Affiliate @ $150/year, Harvard Student @ $25/year, Friend of HAE (free membership)
Paid Membership is open to Harvard alumni, faculty, and staff. Student Membership is open to current Harvard students only. Affiliate Membership is a non-Harvard membership open to qualified entrepreneurs and investors.
Go to www.harvardae.org/join
For more information, email info@Harvardae.org
About Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs - Denver Chapter
HAE Denver Roundtables provide an opportunity for peer-to-peer dialogue over lunch with your fellow Harvard alumni in Denver to share ideas, experiences, and opinions on timely topics. These small group discussions are organized around broad industry categories (e.g., business, Harvard women in business, healthcare, etc.). Have you missed networking with fellow peers? Then join one of these thought-provoking sessions.
Denver Chapter leaders:
The Roundtables are held at a restaurant in Cherry Creek and are limited to six participants. They begin at 11:30 a.m. and end at 1 p.m.
You must be a paid member of HAE Denver to participate (annual cost: $50).
We have a spring and fall series, but you may only attend one Roundtable per season.
If you’d like to learn more or attend, email Tim Keating at tim@keatingwealth.com.
2022 Schedule of Roundtables
- March 10
- March 24
- April 7
- May 5
- May 19
- September 22
- October 13
- October 20
- November 10