April 1, 2022
Overseer and Elected Director Elections - April 1 to May 18, 2022
Elections for Harvard’s governing boards started on April 1, 2022 and voting is open until May 17, 2022.
Alumni may vote for Harvard’s Board of Overseers and Elected Directors of the Harvard Alumni Association. As before, you will be able to vote either online or by paper ballot.
Members of the Harvard community entitled to vote are to receive further information about the elections shortly before voting begins. Harvard Elections Process has additional information.
For further background, please see:
Information on Candidates for these Harvard elected offices
Harvard Gazette article about the work of the Board of Overseers
Information on nomination and election process
Ballots will be sent to alumni to arrive prior to April 1, 2022. If you do not have a ballot needed to vote online, or have question regarding their ballot, please contact Harvard Elections:
Call the Election Services Corp. (ESC) help desk toll-free at:
1-866-720-4357 (M-F, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. ET)
1-516-688-7013 (international)
You can also email the help desk at: Election Services - Harvard Elections
Please include your name, mailing address, degree, and graduation year.
For more on the election basics, you can review the elections website, a playlist of elections-related videos and FAQ. Amelia Muller AB ’11, MUP ’20 and Sid Espinosa MPP ’00, members of the alumni-led nominating committee, also shared their perspectives on why it’s so important for alumni to vote. We encourage you to watch their short video and share it with your community.
Elections for Harvard University’s Board of Overseers and Harvard Alumni Association (HAA) Elected Directors will begin next Friday, April 1. We hope you will take some time to read about the candidates and vote. |
For further background on the Board of Overseers, the elections, and the nominations process, please see:
(Photo from Harvard Magazine: Loeb House, meeting location for Harvard Governing bodies.)