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Register for the Harvard Alumni Association Shared Interest Group (SIG) Showcase! It’s your chance to learn about the SIGs you’ve always thought of joining—and maybe even a few you didn’t know you were interested in!

Shared Interest Group Showcase
Wednesday, November 3
Various times

Browse Events and Sign Up

This year, dozens of SIGs will host individual events throughout one single day. You get to choose which events to attend and which SIGs to connect with. Make sure to check out the SIG Showcase event listing to browse all of the events. Registration details will be included on the individual pages for each event.

SIGs are the perfect way to tap into your Harvard network and find alumni from all over the globe who share your interests and affinities. Sign up today to learn more about what SIGs do and how you can get involved.

We hope to see you next week!


Your friends at the Harvard Alumni Association