dr. jonathan byrnes hbs, dba, mit, fmr HAA President
"Three Rules for Doubling your Profit Peaks and Reversing your Profit Drains"
Fireside Chat and Informal Presentation on Core Profit
January 7, 2021 5pm by invitation
Dr. Brynes returns to Phoenix to follow up on his well-attended April presentation. Who is not helped by learning how to recognize core profit areas and inessential time-wasters? Byrnes is an energetic researcher and bountiful entrepreneur. Drop in to a wonderful picture of how businesses are positioning and setting goals given new developments on the landscape.
The event is offered without charge to sister clubs of the HAA Southwest Region (Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado/Wyoming), HBS AZ, and Phoenix Ivy Council Learn more or let us know you're thinking of attending here. Or you may register exclusively on Zoom here
Questions? president@harvardclub.org or harvardclubofphoenix@gmail.com or president@harvardclub.org