RMHUC Member Workshop Policy

The RMHUC provides its members opportunities to present information in a workshop setting that may be useful to Harvard-affiliated people in Colorado.

Brief Overview

The RMHUC provides its members opportunities to present information in a workshop setting that may be useful to Harvard-affiliated people in Colorado.

Proposing a workshop

1.    An RMHUC member may propose to conduct a Member Workshop.  The Member must be the one who will organize the event and deliver the presentation.

2.    A Harvard-affiliated person may also propose such a program, but, if accepted, must become a member of the RMHUC prior to publicization of the workshop.

Evaluation of a proposal

3.    The content of the program must be consistent with the purposes of the Club as expressed in its bylaws and any conflict-of-interest or other policies that are in force.

4.    The conduct of the program must not burden the Club's resources.

5.    The program and its advertising must not misappropriate Harvard's or the Club's name and must not imply any endorsement by the Club or any other relationship to the Club other than participation in the Workshop and appropriate Club publicity.

6.    The event must not conflict (by coincidence or proximity) with other Club events.

7.    The event and its participants must be of such quality and benefit as to reflect well on the Club.

8.    The content of the Club’s announcement(s) of the workshop will be provided by the Member, but is subject to review and approval by the Club.

9.    The Club's Steering Committee or its designee(s) will be the sole judge of 3-8 above.  An RMHUC Steering Committee member who proposes such a program shall not participate in these evaluations.

10.    The Steering Committee reserves the right to review and approve the material proposed to be used in the workshop prior to making a decision.

Workshop logistics

11.    The Member and the Club must agree on a date (or choice of dates) for the workshop.

12.    The Member is responsible for arranging the venue for the presentation.  The Daniels Fund will not be used as a venue, and the Club’s name (and non-profit status) cannot be used in the reserving of any other space.

13.    The Member must provide any ancillary materials for the event (e.g., handouts, refreshments, name badges, ...).

14.    There will be no admission or other charges imposed for the event.


15.    The Club will publicize the workshop through its website and/or its regularly e-mailed newsletters.  RSVPs may be taken through the RMHUC website.

16.    The Member may not advertise or otherwise publicize the workshop via other means, including direct mailings, website postings, or social media.

17.    Each club-sponsored announcement will contain the following wording:  “The Rocky Mountain Harvard University Club makes these Member Workshop events known to its constituents for their consideration.  It does not endorse the speaker’s views, products, or services in any respect.”


18.    The RMHUC will provide the Member with the names of the people who reserved for the workshop.

19.    The Member is welcome to collect contact information from attendees who volunteer it following the talk.


20.    The RMHUC also has a Speakers’ Series, in which members share information of a less commercial nature.  The Club may steer Speakers’ Series proposals towards Member Workshops and vice versa.

21.    The RMHUC Steering Committee will periodically re-evaluate and publish these guidelines.


Adopted by unanimous vote of the RMHUC Steering Committee on February 6, 2013