Newspaper Account of the Formation of the RMHUC
Transcript of an article that appeared on page 5 of the Denver Tribune-Republican on February 12, 1886.
One of the most enjoyable and informal club dinners ever sat down to in Denver, was that given last night, at the Albany Hotel, by the Rocky Mountain Harvard Club. About 8 p.m. the Harvard graduates, at present in the city, were called together in the main parlor, and a permanent organization effected. Joseph N. Baxter, '75, was chosen President, the Rev. Thomas Van Ness Vice President, and Chambers Baird Secretary. After the constitution of the club had been adopted the members, with their guests, repaired to the elegant dining room, which was fitted up with neat floral designs, and the crimson color of the college.
About thirty plates were set, and after the menu had been served, the Toast Master, J. N. Baxter, called for the speeches. Joseph A. Sewall, President of the State University, spoke eloquently of Harvard. The grand old school, he said, was never old and never would be. Its history was rapidly reviewed and the leading part its students had taken in all great National movements. At its close Rev. Thomas Van Ness made some humorous remarks on the various characteristics of Harvard, ironically referring to those “fresh water colleges” which did not enjoy the advantages of an old and heavily-endowed school. This brought out a bright reply from Judge Wilbur F. Stone, to the effect that most of the statesmen and men of affairs had come from interior colleges. Other speeches taking up the general line of thought that men equipped with a college education could wield great influence in the new West and establish here an ideal empire which combined all the best of the older States, were made by the various speakers who followed.
It was long after midnight before the company dispersed with a roaring cheer for old Harvard and the singing, with clasped hands around the table, of the “Auld Lang Syne.”
The toasts and responses given during the evening were as follows:
Toast Master – Joseph N. Baxter.
Chorister – George H. Eldridge.
“Old Harvard,” Joseph A. Sewell, LL.D.
“Characters and Characteristics of Harvard, ”Rev. Thomas Van Ness.
“Fresh Water Colleges,” Hon. Wilbur F. Stone.
“Harvard and the Sciences,” George H.Eldridge.
“The Press as an Educational Factor,” ThomasF. Dawson, Esq.
“Foreign Universities,” the Very Rev. Dean H.Martyn Hart.
“College Graduates,” D. H. Moore, D.D.
“College Journalism,” Chambers Baird, Jr.
“Muscular Education,” Dr. O. J. Pfeiffer.
“The New West,” C. F. R. Hayward.
“Young Harvard,” John L. Hurst.
“Aus X,” George S. Rice.
The programmes were very dainty affairs, including the following menu:
Green Turtle, aux Quenelles.
Celery. Olives. Caviar. Sardines.
Fillet of Sole, a la Joinville.
Pommes Duchess. Claret. Cordon Rouge.
Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce.
Sweetbreads en Calises, a la Perilouse.
French Peas. Chicken Coquettes a l’Italian.
French String Beans.
Asparagus. Sauce Hollandaise.
Roman Punch.
Canvas-back Duck, aux Cresson. Lettuce.
Veuve Cliquot.
Shrimp Salad. Mayonnaise Dressing.
Neapolitan Ice Cream. Charlotte Russe.
Curacao Jelly.
Assorted Cake. Fruit.
American and Roquefort Cheese.
Café Noir. Cognac.
[illegible line]
The members of the Association present were:
Chambers Baird, Jr., A.B., ’82; Joseph N. Baxter, A.B., ’75; George H. Eldridge, A.B., ’76; S. F. Emmons, A.B., ’59; H. B. Howard, A.B., ’81; John L. Hurst, A.B., ’85; George E. Marsh, S.B., ’62; Louis H. Owen, Sp’l, ’80; O. J. Pfeiffer, M.D., ’83; S. G. Raymer, A.B. ’78; George S. Rice, S.B. ’70; Joseph A. Sewall, L.L.D.; William H. Smiley, A.B., ’77; E. B. Sprague, A.B., ’77; M. F. Stiles, A.B., ’76; Charles A. Stelo, A.B., ’71; Alfred Tanks, Jr., A.B., ’83; C. B. Underhill, A.B., ’77; Thomas Van Ness, B. D., ’84; R. H. Whiteley, L.L.B., ’85; H. W. McLaughlin, M.D.; J. H. Kimbal, M.D.
An image of the original article is available here: