Another Successful Summer With CLIMB!
The Club Sponsored Three Harvard Undergraduates With Summer Internships in Denver.
Colorado Leaders, Interns and Mentors in Business (CLIMB)
is an intensive paid summer internship program for students from Harvard, Yale,
Stanford, Middlebury, Williams, and MIT. The students learn the business, professional,
civic, and social offerings of the Denver area. CLIMB offers students challenging
paid jobs, introductions to the community and its leaders, alumni mentorships,
interesting events and group housing for the summer.
The RMHUC participated again, sponsored three deserving Harvard students in
Denver for Summer 2012. By all accounts, it was another rousing success!
In their own words:
Nancy Chen '13
Computer Science
Hometown: Maple Grove, MN
Internship: Elevated Software Development
When I first heard about CLIMB, all I was talking about was the promise of a rafting trip, but the more I learned about the program, the more I became attracted to the whole experience: Living with a group of other interns, having events to get to know Denver and Colorado, and being in the middle of a city I'd never been to. Colorado certainly hasn't disappointed. Every hike, between the gasps for sparse air were the gasps of giddy delight at how amazing the mountains looked from every perspective. Nearing the end of the summer, I've found that these 2 months have taught me a lot about life after college – about leaving the Harvard bubble and seeing what it means to take responsibility for and plan all aspects of your life.
Johnathon Davis '14
Computer Science
Hometown: Overland Park, KS
Internship: Software Engineering at Elevated Software Development
This summer was both my first summer of college and my first summer working away from home. I enjoyed the climb program because of the community that results from living in a centralized location and commuting out to work. It was a great experience and I've learned a lot about what it would be like to work as a software engineer and live in a big city. The most useful part of CLIMB is the real world business experience. I've been given the opportunity to socialize and network with professionals from the Denver area all different sorts of events. In these places the people you meet are not just there to talk to you but are legitimately looking to make connections to get ahead in their industry, even if that involves an up and coming college student.
Pamela Matsumoto '12
Organismic and Evolutionary Biology 20
Hometown: Las Vegas, NV
Internship: Marketing at Novus Biologicals
I've really enjoyed my time here with Denver. The CLIMB interns are a really great and outgoing group of students, and I've been able to open up a lot of networking channels. I've especially liked my job; because I study biology, it's been really neat to explore a different route and see how I can make my passions work together. Denver, and Colorado in general, is such a gorgeous place to be living, and I've loved that there is always something new to do!