SPEAKER SERIES: Dr. Susan Heitler, PhD

Doing the Win Win Waltz: Conflict Resolution and Communication Skills for Couples

Session Summary

1. How to talk about touchy subjects.
2. Skills for listening collaboratively.
3. A quick guide to mastering the Win-Win Waltz.
4. Increasing the sunshine into your home.

Dr. Susan Heitler, a Denver clinical psychologist, has dedicated much of her career to helping couples to succeed in creating strong and loving marriages. Her books - From Conflict to Resolution (for therapists on therapy) and The Power of Two (self-help for couples) clarify the skills that enable couples to enjoy, learn from, and love each other and to eliminate needless irritations or tensions.
While Power of Two skills apply to the workplace as well, Dr. Heitler's primary focus has been on sustaining collaborative and positive interactions on the home front. She believes that upgrading partnering and parenting around the globe will ultimately bring world peace, because home is where people learn the skills they then bring into their public lives.
Dr. Heitler's Power of Two has been translated into multiple languages, including foreign editions in China, Taiwan, Israel, Brazil, Turkey and Poland. In addition, the book sets forth the main skills taught in Power of Two Marriage Skills Workshops, and is now available online. This fun site is run by three of Dr. Heitler's children, one of whom is Dr. Abigail Heitler Hirsch, Harvard '94.

No charge for event; Space limited to 68 people