rmhuc-logo-2021-04-11Dr. Chang Hee Kim Speaks on Gene Editing, Co-Sponsored by the Denver Press Club

The New York Times columnist Ezra Klein wrote that when future generations look back at our time, “Will everything just look like a sideshow compared to humans being able to edit the genetic code?”

We have recently embarked on an era that offers the potential of wondrous benefits, including the elimination of deadly diseases and debilitating abnormalities. Someday it could offer both the promise and the peril of allowing us, or some of us, to boost our bodies and enhance our babies to have better muscles, minds, memories, and moods. Learn about the promise and ethical dilemmas from an authority in the field who can explain the science in terms we can understand.

Presenter Dr. Chang Hee Kim, CEO of medical diagnostics company GoDx, holds a PhD in biochemistry from Caltech, has completed post doctoral work at Harvard on RNA biochemistry and at MIT on genome sciences. At the NIH he discovered genetic markers for both prostate and gastric cancer.


6:00PM - 8:00PM Tue 18 Oct 2022, Mountain timezone


Denver Press Club
1330 Glenarm Place
Denver, CO 80204

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