Marine Cloud Brightening to Respond to Climate Change

Colorado Ivy+ event sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Stanford Association

If necessary to respond to climate change, people could spray sea water droplets into ocean air, let the droplets rise into overlying clouds, and increase sunlight reflection from clouds that typically already cover more than a quarter of the oceans.  The increased reflection into space could hold the Earth's temperature constant for perhaps 50 years, allowing development of non-carbon energy sources. The sea spray generators, on remotely controlled sailboats, need only wind and seawater.  Generators could be turned on or off under more or fewer clouds in differing areas.  If generators are turned off, their effects end within a few days.  

Dr. Latham, the speaker is the foremost world expert on this subject.

Register online at  or pay $15 at the door  

Contact:  Howard Holme